Sign The Pledge

 Ohio believes in the power of career tech to build and maintain the state’s future workforce. This does not happen alone. The mutual relationship between career tech educators and business and industry leaders helps grow the full potential of Ohio’s workforce. 

To help showcase the power of career tech, we invite business and industry leaders across the state of Ohio to join us in promoting the power of their partnerships with career tech through this new initiative. Together, we can shine a light on the impact these relationships have on students’ lives, the development of the state’s workforce and the success of Ohio’s economy. We invite you to join other Ohio business partners in signing our Partner Pledge in principle, no financial obligation.

By signing the Partner Pledge, your business is making a declaration of your support of career technical education, students and Ohio’s future workforce. Your company will join the collective voices of business and industry statewide in expressing your support for career tech and building Ohio’s future workforce. The company name will be included on our Partner Showcase page and your company logo may be showcased

  • My business believes in the power of career technical education. 
  • My business supports and encourages initiatives that facilitate workforce training and skill development for the students of Ohio.
  • My business is a proud advocate for building Ohio’s future workforce and generating a more robust economy for ALL Ohioans. 
  • My business is proud of the mutually beneficial relationship with our local career technical education providers that sets students up for success.

My company signs this Partner Pledge in support of career technical education and are proud to be showcased, as a Career Tech Business & Industry Partner Building Ohio’s Future Workforce.